Monday, February 11, 2013

AmbientDarkWhite/Joxfield ProjeX - "How Little Did I Know"

AmbientDarkWhite/Joxfield ProjeX - "How Little Did I Know"
From "Death of a Sirloin Steak", a 3 CDR set in DVD case - To be released in March 2013 on Santos Productions.

AmbientDarkWhite - another Joxfield ProjeX concept.
A lot of Joxfield ProjeX' music is dense.
The music of AmbientDarkWhite is filled with air.
Fill your lungs ! Get wings ! Fly away ! ! !

Video by Master AltRev - Thanks !



  1. This is a very specific gravity heavy video, the music is not as simple.
    The ambient style, genre is not easy, rather difficult.

    1. But you did it REAL good, Dear Friend!!!
      (And isn't a little bit more funny if it's a bit challenging and not too easy?)
