Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Joxfield Wish You A Merry Jox-Mas!


In many ways it's been a hellish year for many people around the globe. 

We can't but hope for a better year 2021 to come.

If our music can help cheering you up a bit and make some of the days more bearable you can stream it and listen to most of it for free from our Bandcamp Site here: 

Merry Jox-Mas 2020 & A Better And Happier Year 2021


Monday, December 7, 2020

The Global Researchers. single "Corollarium"/"The Hat"


The Global Researchers as a band constituted in 2020.

Although a new band it should be known that the members have a rich experience from other endeavors for a long number of years.

The band is engaged in stripped down electronica often combined with manipulated voices (occasionally sounding like an electronic instrument).

The number of members in the band varies but generally the members Researcher 1 and Researcher 2 take part.

In December 2020 they made an agreement with Tin Can Music to release their single "The Hat" containing the two pieces "Corollarium" and "The Hat". Corollarium has something to do with a treadmill but to prove what is very unclear at the present. The other title "The Hat" seems to refer to some dialect research, again what dialect and why remains to be further investigated.


released December 6, 2020

Written and performed by The Global Researchers

Researcher 1 : Scapes
Researcher 2 : Transformations

Powered by Tin Can Music 2020