Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New JoxYear 2013

Happy New JoxYear 2013 ! ! !

These are our planned releases for spring 2013.
You've heard it before and you can hear it again!

Joxfield ProjeX & colonel XS - 
What About Me? 
(Santos Productions January 2013)

Joxfield ProjeX - 
Invasion of the Living 
(Santos Productions January 2013)

AmbientDarkWhite - 
Death of a Sirloin Steak Vol 1 
(Santos Productions Spring 2013)

AmbientDarkWhite - 
Death of a Sirloin Steak Vol 2 
(Santos Productions Spring 2013)

AmbientDarkWhite - 
Death of a Sirloin Steak Vol 3 
(Santos Productions Spring 2013)

And what the heck is AmbientDarkWhite? Well, nothing else but a moniker for some Joxfield ProjeX experimental, ambient/dark ambient music of various kind. Stuff you thought you could live without, but once hearing it you realise it's impossible and you need more. And there will always be more.



  1. Riktigt gott nytt år, Joxfields!
    Minty the PP

  2. O, ThanX a lot Kevin/Minty/PP - and a truely Happy New creative year to you!!!

  3. a lot of stuff coming. this will be a GOOD year, for sure!!!
    cheerz guys!
