Saturday, December 19, 2009


Here we go: Joxfield ProjeX' Christmas gift to you all.

"Phantastique" is a virtual LP. The intension was to make a straight, plain and simple jam record based on some repetitive patterns, at least in Joxfield ProjeX' terms of what is straight, plain and simple. Not to get too much stuck into the spacey jams the tunes are separated by some short experimental pieces. Look at these moments as opportunities to get some good, fresh air.
Even though it's maybe not heard in the music, the main inspirational sources for these recordings are some albums by Acid Mothers Temple, especially Kawabata Makoto's mixing style, but also some funky grooves from Miles Davis' 'On The Corner' period.
This album should be played LOUD, in excitement and full awareness.

Recorded at Camps Anna & Batang 2007-2009
Produced by Oax & Yan of Joxfield ProjeX
Powered by Tin Can Music

Yan: Keyboards, percussion programmer
Oax: Guitars, bass, voice- & percussion samples

This is Joxfield ProjeX fifth Clinical Archives release.
ThanX Alex for majestic support!



  1. Hey I'm an old bum like you! I live in the USA and I stumbled across your music quite by accident. I must say I like it alot. I am a Tangerine Dream and Pink Floyd fan, so your music is in that genre(to me anyway). I look forward to more of your music. I was under the impression upon first listen that you guys were much younger but you seem to be about my age(56). I downloaded all of your stuff and it will be in my mp3 player tomorrow. Keep it coming, I like what I hear!!! Mark from New Jersey
