Monday, January 19, 2009

A Year Ago Today...

Yesterday when I was trying to chose an old LP for my even older grammophone to play I suddenly found a piece of a newspaper page inbetween the LPs. The day of publishing was 19/1 2008 and it was a review of Joxfield myspace player tracks a year ago.
Two stars (**). Mah God! When Joxfield's the .... ehhrr... best band ever... (ehhrr). But when reading this 2-stars review we felt uplifted. Not because the author didn't like what he heard (we're used to that), but because he really had tried listening and out of his trying he made some serious conclusions, motivating what he thought and why in a very serious way. That's why it was a bit uplifting. Probably the best 2-star review anyone could get...

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