Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lost Track # 5 - Gharbzadegi - Robert Wyatt

Who? Robert Wyatt
Where? Old Rottenhat (Rough Trade)
When? 1985
Why? Are we too old having idols? No, definitely not, especially not when one of them is the great RW, one of our most consisitng idols for over 40 years. The singing, the songmaking, the playing, the enviroment, in no specific order. So very much inspiring over the years, has always been, still is, will always be, as long as he and we lives.
Some of mid/late-eighties albums (Old Rottenhat, Dondestan, some EPs) are a bit over-looked today, in my personal opinion. It's just like "me 'n' my voice 'n' my simple keyboard 'n' some simple persussion, recorded or programmed". But, there's nothing simple about it, no matter it's not a full orchestra involved. It's the EXPRESSION, close to your heart and your mind, that matters
"Gharbzadegi" is the second last song of the album, and the longest, lasting for almost 8 minutes. Just Robert singing solo or in harmony with himself, and the keyboard and the percussion. Just that. And it's magic, it's big music, a very beauitiful hymn.
What does the title mean? Well, it's Persian and Robert's singing it: "Gharbzadegi means nothing to me Westernitis to you".
And regarding Robert, there are millions of reason coming back to him, be sure I will.

The Secret of Behaviour

Yan and Oax doing.... yes, what?
There's always a reason not to tell a story. The less you know the better.
But if you could hear them saying anything they would have said:

Yan: This is where it happened!
Oax: I deny everything. It's just slander.

Picture by TC3
