The strict and quick answer is: Yes!
So, we headed for Camp Kolpebo, the beautiful recording enviroment, the heart of our creativity, when we comes together in the same room with our instruments, our opened minds and some basic recording equipment (yeah yeah, beer, wine and whisky, we know... let's not talk about it...)
The magnificent view from our window.
It seems to be a bit cold outside.
Beer and food inside the house this time, we guess...
This is a table...
... and Yan start to unpack the gear...
And so with the guitarist's stuff...
Action (1)
Action (2)
Hum Di Dumm.... This Is Abnormal Science...
Ableton Live's a bit tricky for The Dept. of Technology, but works fine in the end
The Innocent Dreamer
Ola & The Jugglers
That's it, folks.
Five days of hard work.
Almost 4 hours of terror ready for edits, treatments, adds, whatever...
Stuff back into the car.
House cleaned.
Off we go...
But...ehhrr....The Result?
Wait and see, just wait and see.
The future will come closer and closer and one day...
Say no more
A big THANX to Thomas & Anette for letting us use the house